Working on Stop-Motion

Working on our stop-motion project (how to do makeup) was really a lot of fun. I was the photographer for the majority of the video—we wanted to do the whole thing in one session, since it would be hard to get the makeup exactly the same a second time. Since I have class right afterward, I had to hand over the iPad to a group member (Chloe) to finish up after class time was over (which was sad, I was having fun!). I think our group dynamic was great, I found it very easy to share my ideas as well as understand what everyone was trying to get across. We all put our own flairs in there, and made it our own, while still keeping the group cohesion! I'm pretty sure I would have run into time trouble without the help of my group, because I am a little bit of a perfectionist, and I wanted to line up the next shot exactly with the last one, but that was taking way too much time. My group had to tell me to pick up the pace a bit, which I am very grateful for. I don't think anyone felt defensive over what they were doing when someone made a suggestion, which I have seen in some of the groups I have worked with in the past. We all wanted to make the best video we could, and so we all appreciated each other's input. I think our group worked really nicely together, and I think we are going to end up with a really cool, instructive video. One of the big things we didn't get to do during that first filming session, however, was the voice over—which is going to be a major part of making our film into a how to video, instead of just something neat to watch. I am looking forward to putting the finishing touches (including the voice over!) on our project during the next class period!

My group decided against doing the voice over. It's true, it would have been a little difficult to sync it up in the right places, but I think that it would have made our video more instructional. I do think it turned out really cool looking, though! I went through and took out some of the bad shots where we caught people in the frame by accident, so it looks more clean. There was a problem with the camera adjusting itself for the light, so we do get that strobe effect in places, but with the time we had, I think we did a really fantastic job.

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