Creativity and Innovation Project -- Days 1 & 2

Sadly, I wasn't able to be in class on the first two days of this project, but my group for the stop-motion project let me join with them! I will be working again with Molly, Ann, and Chloe, and I'm very excited for what we are going to do. When I got into class, I asked Molly to tell me what they had decided so far, and it seems like a great idea! Our lesson is going to cover the standard MCC3.OA.4, which states that students must be able to "determine the unknown whole numbers in a multiplication or division equation relating three whole numbers." I know that math has always been a tough subject for me, and I would have loved to have a lesson like this one to make things fun, and really catch my attention! By the end of our lesson, we want to be able to teach the students to quickly answer various multiplication and division problems (correctly) that have a part missing. For example, they would have to solve an equation like 2 x ? = 4. They will have to fill in the question mark in order to solve the equation. But we want the students to see how multiplication and division relate to one another, and how you can use each to solve for the missing component in the other—using multiplication to solve for a missing number in a division problem, and vice versa. To do this, we are going to have a quick introduction or recap on how to use one to solve the other. Then, we get to the fun part, and we distribute the BINGO cards! We will have unsolved equations in our presentation, and the answers to those will be the numbers on your BINGO card. This lets the students actively engage in the lesson, and have fun at the same time.

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